The project

Classes involved in the project

This project has been created during the school years 15/16 and 16/17 by the classes 5BSA and 5BLL,(ESABAC), of Liceo "Francesco Cecioni" in Leghorn, concerning the project "Alternanza Scuola-Lavoro" in collaboration with Provincia di Livorno.

The class 5BSA has created the website ( and translated the content into English. The class has also created the App "BASTA MGF"(STOP FGM) available for download on Google Play.
The class 5BLL has worked on a detailed study and on the translation of the material into French and Arabic. Also the classes 4ALL and 4BLL have taken part to the project during the academic year 16/17, and in particular the class 4BLL has translated contents into Spanish and the class 4ALL has translated contents into English.


E' stato attivato un centro di supporto alle vittime di reato per la Provincia di Livorno. L'operatore risponde da Lunedì a Venerdì, dalle ore 9:00 alle ore 13:00

  • [email protected]
  • (+39) 0586-257229
  • Provincia di Livorno
    Piazza del Municipio 4
    57100 Livorno